New levels, new devils
Are you in that dreaded "gap zone" - where your business is reliably making six figures or more, but you aren't reaching your goals...and you've started to realize that the only way you can make more under your current business model is to work even harder?
Are you spending too much time dealing with scope creep on client projects - and even worse, not getting paid for it?
Are you starting to think "it's just easier to do it myself," because every time you hire someone, it's a complete disaster - and you end up having to do the work, anyway?
These are just some of your "next level" problems as a successful professional services provider!
I know that you're smart. You rely on your expertise to make a living, and you're doing a pretty good job at it.
But it isn't enough for you. You want more.
But really, what should you do next to get to that next level (and defeat this new devil)?
That's what The Results Catalyst is all about: the next right move so that you can take the shortcut to your goals.
You've already paid your dues, haven't you?
“Nicole blew my mind. As the entrepreneur, [I need] to focus my energy on my highest creative potential. She helped reconceptualize my business and myself to think about my highest enjoyment and purpose. She is someone who understands systems, processes, team dynamics, and also role development."
Benjamin J. Hardy - Author, Personality Isn't Permanent/Who Not How

As featured in
...and even in books by amazing business and financial experts, such as:
Here's how we help:
"Get It Done & Get Results" Workshops
Team Strategy And Support
Clarity Sessions
Get Results 1:1 Consulting
As your business evolves, what you need right now does too. We're here to give you the support you need for strategic, yet effortless, growth.
CONNECTHi, I'm Nicole Wipp.
When I first started to see success in my business, the thing I was most shocked about was that things never seemed to get easier.
In fact, they got harder - and harder. To the point that I was working at one point an average of 100 hours a week.
I knew that this wasn't sustainable. But how to get to the next level? How to create a measure of freedom and independence, without sacrificing revenue?
The next decade was a journey of discovery in answering those questions and then helping others implement what I learned.
Today, I work 3-4 hours a day running multiple businesses and take at least 100 days a year off. I make way more than I ever did before.
That's what The Results Catalyst, as a company, is all about.
If youre a little bit interested, or even a little bit intrigued, the first step - with no commitment on your part - is to find out where you stand in what I call The 9 Freedom Catalysts.

What Clients Have To Say

It's Time To Know "The" Score - Your Freedom Score!
When it comes to having a business that runs like a well-oiled machine and doesn't rely on YOU for every decision, every professional services business needs NINE Freedom Catalysts.
There are different stages to these Catalysts, and are based on what YOU want from your life and business.
Where are you and your business? What's possible?
FIND OUT, get the 9 Freedom Catalysts Scorecard!